Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin


Kurs with Antoine Carle aka Tchivett

This class we will be about developing the relationship between the physical and the invisible within the dancer’s body. As we go on a journey into organic consciousness, how do we create a connection to the inner landscape ?
How does a shift of perspective affect the sense of self ?  As we connect to presence through embodiment, the mind can release from thoughts and habitual identification patterns, a space is opening to get in touch with the immanent flow of the body and the imagination transforming. The dance becomes a bridge between here and elsewhere, between the physical reality we feel and the body memories of other times and other places being actualised, Ma (time-space) and Nikutai (the bodily inner landscape). The poetics of butoh unfold in this in-between space.

Antoine Carle aka Tchivett

Tchivett has been a performer, dance maker and improviser since 2011 and completed the Choreography Masters degree at HZT in 2018. In his performance and choreographic practice he works with fine qualities of relationship between bodies, spaces and audiences ; creating social situations and sensitive atmospheres and exploring at the border with visual arts and sculpture. As an interpreter, among others, he has danced for re-enactments by Hanna Halprin and Marina Abramovic, the choreographic pieces by Atsushi Takenouchi and Annabel Guérédrat, and in Berlin with Shannon Cooney, Jolika Südermann and Josep Caballero. He regularly teaches butoh, contact improvisation and somatic practice in workshops and classes. He also contributed to various dance research and performance collectives (Danses bizarres, CORPOL, Collective matters, etc.) with a focus on queer culture, feminist politics and self-organization.