Uferstudios 3
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Bonkian Landry Jakob

Between spaces, between bodies – Frontiers and Bridges


Delimitating spaces, creating borders, defining identity, differentiating, comparing, opposing, unifying, connecting, interacting, migrating, grounding, strengthening, solidarizing… As much as frontiers and bridges can separate or unite, belonging to a group of people to create identity can be both liberating and alienating.
In this performance project we will investigate group dynamics and spatial interactions in relationship to the individual and to the audience. Using contact skills, unison and group listening, we will construct, transform, and deconstruct bridges and barriers, shifting frontiers in space, drawing floor patterns, either framing the audience or the individual. Drawing from personal stories from the dancers, communication will then take place, or not, between the framed bodies.
Inspired by Marie’s latest piece L’Art et la manière, we will as a group go through the devising process in a playful investigating mode, improvising and creating movement material.  

Fee: 180 € / red: 160 € / professional dancers: 140 € / Application for the project: mueller@tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Additionally you can join the open contemporary training
The training integrates creativity with technique to allow participants to develop their relationship with their physical, emotional, creative and social body. Starting form a single anatomical-poetical reference, the class will shift perspective from the body in isolation, to the body in space, to the body as a group. The class will mix exploratory tasks with set material working with shifting weight, spirals, movement quality, dynamics and floor work, to engage the whole body as a physical instrument within a poetical landscape.

Open training: Mo & Wed18:15-19:45
Fee: For people joining the Performance Project: 105 € for the training period during the project / For everybody else: 10x card: 95 € / red.: 90 € / prof.: 75 €

Mo + Wed 20:00-22:00
Showing: 5.4.2017 / 21:00
Application for the project: mueller@tanzfabrik-berlin.de
Phone 030.786 58 61

starts 20.2.17