Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Healing Rituals

Workshop with Nora Amin

In the frame of OsterTanz 2024

Based on her signature choreographic language, Nora Amin offers a workshop that explores individual and collective dance rituals, those that are self-authored, and those that are based in her heritage. She expands the ritualistic form of dance practise to re-visit notions of togetherness, individual histories, body archive and unlocking emotional wounds or empowering the transformative potential of dance healing. The workshop is open to all ages, genders and backgrounds. 
Accessibility Note
The workshop will be held in spoken English, follow-up questions for clarification may also be in Arabic or French. No previous dance experience is required. Not all movements will be verbalized in detail, non-verbal communication will be needed as well. Music plays an important role and is used. If needed, a free workshop place for an accompanying assistant will be provided for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately not wheelchair accessible, can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.

Nora Amin

Nora Amin (she/her) is a choreographer, dancer, theatre director, author and scholar. She is an expert/consultant at LAFT/PAP, advisor to Kuyum Dance Platform and board member of the German Center of the International Theater Institute. Nora Amin holds a PhD in performing arts and cultural policy. Her publications include: “Migrating the Feminine / Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch” (2018), and “Dance of the Persecuted / Tanz der Verfolgten” (2021). She is a co-curator/creator of the MA program “Participation, communities, Activism” at London Contemporary Dance School, The Place. Nora Amin wants to follow a path that blurs the boundaries between community dance and staged dance by allowing non-dancers to contribute to reinventing established forms. 
Level: Open
In English
Price: 240/210€*
*early bird until 15.03.2024