Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Yozy Zhang

A Single Splendour Stroke

Workshop with Motoya Kondo

In the frame of OsterTanz 2024

When we encounter a masterpiece of a Japanese tea bowl, it is so silent and ordinary. It expresses nothing or insists on anything, and yet it represents a vast universe in a single bowl. Here, intricate colors, designs, and shapes can often hide the essence beneath... Instead of hundreds of flowing lines of movements, we will explore one splendour stroke. A single stroke that expands into the vast space. One that leads us to recognize the stillness behind the movement. One filled with the primordial richness of existence beyond mere emotional and sentimental confessions. In search of the ground of existence, the space behind the movement of body and mind, let the wind dance in the sky. 

The workshop will include: 
- preparing the body to be an objective object
- exploring external anatomy and contemplative anatomy 
- basic movement principles 
- connecting breath and body
- different texture of movement
- deconstructing the concept of time
- reconnecting with silent space in the midst of the movement
- improvisation

Accessibility Note
The workshop uses English spoken language. There will sometimes be partner work that includes contacts between each other, but it is not mandatory and  there is always another option to work alone in a different way to understand the same principles. About a half of the workshop will be in silence and a half will be with music. If needed, a free workshop place for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Motoya Kondo

Born in Nagoya, Japan, choreographer, dancer, and co-founder of Motimaru Dance Company. From 2005 he had been studying butoh with Yoshito Ohno, son of Kazuo Ohno and worked as his assistant. After 2010 he has started field work researches of local and traditional dances in Japan, India, Nepal, Spain, and Bali, studied Balinese dance with Agun Anom Putra, I Made Djimat, and Ida Bagus Oka Wirjana. Since 2008, he has been immersed in the practice and study of Eastern contemplative traditions, particularly following the Tibetan traditions, and bridging between contemporary art practices and the age old wisdom. He has been performing and teaching in: Venezia Biennale 2010, 9th International Choreography Competition "No Ballet”, International Dance Festival Lucky Trimmer 2016, Hildesheim University, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, etc., Europe, Asia, Australia in over 35 cities.
Level: Open
In English
Price: 240/210€*
*early bird until 15.03.2024