Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Gil Levin

Ukemi – The Receptive Body

Workshop with Roee Be'er

In the frame of WinterTanz 2023/24

I"Ukemi" is a Japanese word used in martial arts such as Aikido and Judo, referring to how we react to forces and energies acting upon our bodies. Beyond martial arts, it is a valuable concept and practice representing an essential human ability: to adapt to the world, influence it, and be influenced by it. In this four-day workshop, we will collectively explore the art of Ukemi. We will start with groundwork and preparations, also applying principles from the Feldenkrais method. Gradually, we will transition to more interactive partner exercises and techniques, including psycho-physical exercises for self-experience and personal growth.
Accessibility Note 
The workshop will be held in English spoken language, follow-up questions for clarification needs can also be asked in German. The work will take place both lying down and sitting with eyes closed, and standing and moving around the room. There will also be partner work with optional touching. Verbal exchange and discussion will also be an important part of the workshop. No loud noises but soft music will be used. If needed, a free workshop space for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately are not wheelchair accessible, can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot & Elisabeth Leopold at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.

Roee Be'er

Roee Be’er was born in Israel and is based in Munich. His teaching and therapy work is grounded in years long practice of the Feldenkrais method and Aikido (3ed Dan black belt). Roee completed his M.Sc. in Sport Science in the Technical University Munich where he researched Balance Control and Motor Learning. He practiced Aikido with Miles Kessler, Patrick Cassidy and Thor Schoo, and the Feldenkrais method with Basil Glazer and Rachel Elazar. In his work Roee highlights structure and freedom, playfulness and ease of movement, and interaction with the environment as a pathway to development of new sensorimotor capabilities. He worked at the renowned Israeli dance company Vertigo, and with dancers from Batsheva Dance Company. He was also a guest teacher at the Los Angeles Contemporary Dance Company and the Tanzfabrik Berlin.
Level: Open
In English 
Price: 200/175€*
*early bird until 08.12.2023