Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Body-Mind Centering™ – Das Herz und das Gehirn

Workshop with Lambrini Konstantinou

In the frame of WinterTanz 2023/24

Already from the beginning – whilst in the uterus – our body begins to grow to the rhythm of the heart. The developing brain leans towards the rhythmic beat of the heart, listens to its voice and makes it its indispensable companion. The cells of our nerves are in close proximity to those of the heart. The ear and the eye align themselves with the rhythmic field of the heart. Feeling, thinking, seeing and hearing are (originally) in resonance. The rediscovery of this resonance as the quality of our presence and the restoration of the homogeneous equilibrium is at the center of our work in this workshop. Movement, sound, touch, breathing, and silence, will accompany us and give new impulses to the study of embryology, anatomy and physiology.

Accessibility Note 
The workshop will be held in German spoken language, follow-up questions for clarification needs can also be asked in Greek and English. The work will mainly take place lying and sitting on mats/blankets, often with eyes closed to feel inside. There will also be partner work with optional touch. Verbal exchange and discussion are also an important part of the workshop. If needed, a free workshop place for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot & Elisabeth Leopold at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de.

Lambrini Konstantinou

Lambrini Konstantinou, dancer, choreographer, dance pedagogue, Body-Mind Centering ® practitioner and teacher; Certified Movement Analyst; Osteopath focusing on Craniosacral and Pediatric Osteopathy; Somatic Experiencing-Trauma Healing. Lambrini combines anatomical knowledge with movement meditation, bodywork, dance and creative expression. The fulcrum (centre) of her work lies particularly in the cross-referencing of these disciplines, which regard the body as a unity of soma, mind and soul and approaching each other through researching structure and function of the tissue. All of this happens in the continuum of micro and macro, internally and externally as well as in the artistic expression of the body as a whole, both in silence and movement.
Level: Open
In German
Price: 200/175€*
*early bird until 08.12.2023