
Amr Karkout

My name is Amr Karkout, and I am a dancer based in Berlin, originally from Damascus, Syria. I have worked with various ensembles and places such as Sasha Waltz and Guests, Romeo Castelluci, Battery Dance, Modjgan Hashemian, 123 o collective, and Chaos Emblematic Ensemble. My artistic approach revolves around the body, imagination, fantasy, and thoughts. As a dance teacher, my focus is to merge different techniques and methods to create a fresh approach. I aim to combine my technical knowledge in contemporary dance, ballroom dance, tango, salsa dance, and acrobatic floor work to explore new ways of moving and embracing improvisation. My priority is to explore new possibilities and break traditional boundaries in dance to create a unique and individual style of performance. Overall, my artistic journey encompasses a blend of technical expertise, improvisation, and experimentation, enabling me to push the boundaries of movement and express my creative vision.

  1. Kurs Contemporary
  2. Kurs Contemporary