Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Sebastian Runge

Get Physical Process

Workshop with Ricardo de Paula

In the frame of WinterTanz 2023/24

The Get Physical Process, curated by dancer and choreographer Ricardo de Paula, combines Contemporary Dance, Capoeira Angola, Body-Mind Centering, and Contact Improvisation. This transformative practice explores the merging of movement principles and body imaginations to seek strength and sensitivity in motion. It emphasizes the growth of individual body senses through interactions among dancing bodies, fostering trust and collective strength. The workshop focuses on understanding and owning one's body, enhancing responsiveness, responsability, stability, alignment, and decentralizing movement. By utilizing the floor as a tool and incorporating capoeira and contemporary dance elements, participants gain both lightness and strength. Movement sequences will take you through every level of the space, challenging your boundaries, physically and mentally. The class aims to enrich movement experiences, offering greater knowledge, freedom, and empowerment for participants.

Accessibility Note  
The workshop will be held in spoken English. Movement exercises will include improvisation and set movement vocabulary, where coordination and memory skills will be necessary. Touch as part of elements of Capoeira and Contact Improvisation as well as floorwork will be part of the workshop. The very physical movement vocabulary, often in continues flow, requires movement experience. Information about our location & studios in Kreuzberg, which unfortunately are not wheelchair accessible, can be found here. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot & Elisabeth Leopold at workshop@tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Ricardo de Paula

Ricardo de Paula a choreographer, dancer, performer and artistic director of Grupo Oito. Residing as a Black artist in Berlin, he has long grappled with themes of racism and decolonization, intertwining these concerns with a continuous evolution of his creative approaches and aesthetics. Notably, his recent work has embraced spirituality as a significant influence. At its core, de Paula's artistic vision revolves around leveraging the body as a transformative instrument, utilizing movement to explore physical capacities for resistance and transformation. Central to his practice is the "Get Physical Process," a methodology he developed and teaches individually. His dance productions with Grupo Oito stem from regular training sessions that encompass artistic research and collaborative development three times a week. Beyond contemporary dance, capoeira, the Brazilian dance martial art, profoundly inspires him, particularly its formal elements like the "roda" (circle) and the ground-based aspects of the dance. Touch, a pivotal element in capoeira, triggers reactions, movements, fights, and postures, reflecting both individual and social dynamics. De Paula's approach is a rich amalgamation of diverse experiences, perspectives, backgrounds, methods, and evolving techniques, now incorporating ritual elements into the training and creative process.
Level: Movement experience 
In English 
Price: 200/175€*
*early bird until 08.12.2023