
Sergiu Matis

Sergiu Matis (he/him) is a Romanian choreographer living in Berlin since 2008. He has created dance performances such as «Neverendings» (2017), «Hopeless.» (2019), «Extinction Room» (2019), «UNREST» (2021), «DRANG» (2022) and «Blazing Worlds» (2023). His work has been presented at festivals throughout Europe. Matis´ dance practice can be understood as a tireless search through physical and digitalised archives. His performances provoke intense experiences that break with expectations and strive towards a new understanding of dance. 

  1. Performance Fake – the real deal
  2. Performance Explicit Content
  3. Performance All that mattered
  4. Performance Time to Meet: Sergiu Matis
  5. Performance Deleted Scenes
  6. Performance Neverendings: Season 1 – 100 Years Revolution
  7. Performance Neverendings: Season 2 – Daydreams for a Better World
  8. Performance Studio 13 – The Drifting Pleasure
  9. Performance Hopeless. (Premiere)
  10. Performance Hopeless. – Extinction Room (Revival)
  11. Performance Unrest
  12. Performance Hopeless. (Revival)
  13. Performance DRANG
  14. Performance Hopeless. (Revival)
  15. Performance Hopeless. – Extinction Room (Part 1)
  16. Performance Unrest
  17. Performance Blazing Worlds
  18. Performance Warp Renderings