
Felix Mathias Ott

Felix Mathias Ott born in South Germany, has been living and working in Berlin for 15 years. He initially studied stage design and later contemporary dance, context and choreography as part of the pilot programme of HZT Berlin. Ott works as a performer and has been touring his own productions across Europe and Asia since 2011.His personal creation and research is supported by the European network APAP - advancing performing arts project. Felix‘ work tends to create reflexive, more than conceptual, spaces where the spectator is invited to discover the and his/her unconscious world. www.felixmathiasott.com

  1. Performance The Iliad
  2. Performance Odyssey Complex
  3. Performance The Iliad
  4. Showing apap production studio: non destruction
  5. Performance Meditation on Non Destruction
  6. Performance Meditation on non destruction
  7. Performance M.A.R.S.
  8. Performance apap production studio berlin – Time to Meet: Felix Mathias Ott „The Last Migration“
  9. Performance Klavierstück
  10. Performance Les Imprédictibles
Photo: Alex Gonzales