OsterTanz Workshops & Satellites 22.–26.04. & 07.–08.06.2025
All news in our ↪ NEWSLETTER.
OsterTanz Workshops & Satellites 22.–26.04. & 07.–08.06.2025
All news in our ↪ NEWSLETTER.
Current Workshops
Otto RamstadWinter Tanz 2019/20W-07 / Material For The Spine
Sabine ParzerWinter Tanz 2019/20W-09 / Anatomy of Touch (Waiting list)
Seke ChimutengwendeWinter Tanz 2019/20W-10 / Ensemble Improvisation
Idan YoavWinter Tanz 2019/20W-11 / From Burst to Build (Waiting list)
Tanja Hübner, Mireia AragonesWinter Tanz 2019/20W-12 / Alexander Technique in Movement (Waiting list)
Rosalind CrispWinter Tanz 2019/20W-EXTRA / Choreographic Improvisation (Waiting List)
Judith Sánchez RuízWinter Tanz 2019/20W-13 / Dancing Inside and Outside of Us (only a few places left)
Tchekpo Dan AgbetouWinter Tanz 2019/20W-14 / Afrikanischer Tanz (Waiting list)
Guy Dartnell, Martin GentWinter Tanz 2019/20W-15 / Closer
Nita LittleOster Tanz 2020 - cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemicO-07 / ReWilding Attention: A Contact Skills Class (cancelled)
O-Extra / Twists: Dance and Decoloniality (cancelled/postponed)
Barbara MahlerVirtual Workshop SeriesKlein Technique™
Barbara MahlerVirtual Workshop SeriesKlein Technique™
Eva BlaschkeIntro Laban Movement Studies
Ka RustlerVirtual Workshop SeriesBMC® – Moving between Fluids
Colette SadlerSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!( Re ) Searching BODY A
Jeremy NelsonSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!From the Inside Out - cancelled
Simon Whitehead, Kirstie SimsonSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!Practicing Places
Rafaela SahyounSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!The Body. The Player. The Journey - cancelled
Doris Uhlich, Boris KopeinigSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!Bodyfrequencies
Jana Unmüßig, Lisa DensemSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!Breath and Expanded Choreography - cancelled
Minako SekiSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!Focus Shifting - cancelled
Koffi KôkôSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting Live!Living the Dance
Nora AminSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting Live!UnlOcking
Sri LouiseSommer Tanz 2020 - Meeting in the Virtual!Yoga & Space. A Model For All Pervasive Reality - cancelled
Gabriele ReuterVirtual Workshop SeriesNavigating the Gap
Tanja SabanHerbst Tanz - Meeting LiveGaga/People & Somatic Sequencing - Weekend
Roberto OlivanHerbst Tanz - Meeting LiveInstinct as a Source of Movement
Barbara MahlerVirtual Workshop SeriesKlein Technique™
Tanja SabanHerbst Tanz - Meeting LiveGaga/People & Somatic Sequencing
Lambrini KonstantinouWinter Tanz 2020/21Body-Mind Centering™ – Thoracic spatial exploration (Waiting List)
Bettina NeuhausWinter Tanz 2020/21Dancing with Dedication & Ease – Skinner Releasing Technique™ (Waiting list)
Eva GeorgitsopoulouWinter Tanz 2020/21Inside Extremity
Idan YoavWinter Tanz 2020/21Letting GO!