OsterTanz Workshops & Satellites 22.–26.04. & 07.–08.06.2025
All news in our ↪ NEWSLETTER.
OsterTanz Workshops & Satellites 22.–26.04. & 07.–08.06.2025
All news in our ↪ NEWSLETTER.
Current Workshops
Kirstie SimsonWinter Tanz 2018/19W-08 / What moves us (fully booked)
Ian GarsideWinter Tanz 2018/19W-09 / Walking with Words
Blenard AzizajWinter Tanz 2018/19W-10 / Double Impact
Otto RamstadWinter Tanz 2018/19W-11 / Material For The Spine
Minako SekiWinter Tanz 2018/19W-12 / Dancing Between
Tchekpo Dan AgbetouWinter Tanz 2018/19W-13 / Afrikanischer Tanz (fully booked)
Barbara MahlerOster Tanz 2019O-1 / Klein Technique™
Rob HaydenOster Tanz 2019O-2 / The Awakened Body
Elsa WolliastonOster Tanz 2019O-3 / Afrikanischer Ausdruckstanz
Nadine GerspacherOster Tanz 2019O-4 / Catching Limits
Antja KennedyOster Tanz 2019O-5 / Bartenieff Fundamentals
Frey FaustOster Tanz 2019O-6 / Axis Syllabus: The Hendrix Paradigma
Raphan KebeOster Tanz 2019O-7 / Lyricism of Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Deborah HayA Continuity of Discontinuity or a Way to Practice Dance (Spot on the waiting list possible)
Eva BlaschkeLaban Bewegungsstudien
Christel BücheBartenieff Fundamentals
Karen NelsonOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-01 / Space Mix Dance
Minako SekiOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-02 / Bouncing
Roee Be'erOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-03 / Dynamic Stability
Adam Burton, Jane LeaneyOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-04 / A Step into Immersive Theatre
Konstantin MihosOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-05 / Simple Contact
Magdalena MeindlOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-06 / Dancing with the Trouble
MaheshOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-07 / Yoga as Sound (Unfortunately the workshop is canceled)
Georgia Paizi, Thodoris ZiarkasOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-08 / Alexander Technique in Dance Practice
Rafaela SahyounOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-09 / The Body – The Player – The Journey
Nora AminOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-10 / UnlOcking
Koffi KôkôOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-11 / Living the Dance (Waiting list)
Blenard AzizajOpen Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019S-12 / Impulse Momentum
Yaniv AvrahamWinter Tanz 2019/20W-01 / Gaga/Dancers & Ohad Naharin's Repertoire (fully booked)
Bettina NeuhausWinter Tanz 2019/20W-02 / Dances of Aliveness and Presence – Skinner Releasing Technique™ (fully booked)
Frey FaustWinter Tanz 2019/20W-03 / As Above So Below – Axis Syllabus in Application (Waiting list)
Christine MauchWinter Tanz 2019/20W-04 / Contact Improvisation – Engaging the Basic Skills (fully booked)
Malcolm ManningWinter Tanz 2019/20W-05 / Extended Mind Practices – Towards Radical Calmness (Waiting list)
Alleyne DanceWinter Tanz 2019/20W-06A / Dynamic, Rhythm & Texture (Waiting list)
Alleyne DanceWinter Tanz 2019/20W-06B / Dynamic, Rhythm & Texture (Waiting list)
Lambrini KonstantinouWinter Tanz 2019/20W-07 / Body-Mind Centering™ – Das Herz und das Gehirn (Waiting list)